Children and Adolescents

Growing and developing as a child and adolescent can be a complicated journey filled with countless challenges and a multitude of uncertainty. Socially, young individuals may struggle to navigate the complexities of friendships and relationships as they strive to find acceptance while expressing their individuality. Developmentally, they confront a myriad of physical and emotional changes. The desire for autonomy and independence conflicts with the boundaries set by caregivers and societal norms, resulting in an ongoing struggle between the pursuit of freedom and the obligations of responsibility. Moreover, identity issues loom large as adolescents strive to define themselves amidst societal pressures to conform. These multifaceted struggles shape the path to maturity, testing resilience and fortitude along the way, and often resulting in mental health struggles, such as anxiety, depression, self-esteem/confidence issues, parent-child conflict, and eating disorders, to name a few. Yet, within these challenges lie opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and the development of a more resilient self. My objective as a therapist is to provide children with the support and skills necessary to navigate this challenging time in development. 

Conditions Treated

  • Anxiety 

  • OCD 

  • Depression 

  • Behavioral Issues

  • Skin Picking/Hair Pulling

  • Disordered Eating 

  • Perfectionism

  • Body Image Concerns 

  • Self-Esteem Issues

  • Peer Relationships

  • Parent-Child Conflict  

  • Parenting Consultation 

A word for parents…

If you are struggling to parent a child who struggles with anxiety and anxiety-related behavioral concerns, please see “Parenting Support” for further information.