College Students & Young Adults

Embarking on the journey through college and young adulthood represents a time of excitement and discovery; at the same time, this period of newfound independence comes with a multitude of demands and changes that impact mental and emotional well-being. Differentiation from one’s family and the pursuit of autonomy is often accompanied by uncertainty, as individuals work to establish a balance between freedom and accountability. There may also be a profound exploration of personal identity and shifting friendship dynamics as young adults seek to define themselves and establish enduring social connections. Navigating romantic relationships, becoming accustomed to the “working world,” practicing flexibility, and learning to establish healthy boundaries are just some of the additional “growing pains” young adults may endure. Amidst these intricacies, each challenge presents an opportunity for growth, resilience, and the forging of a unique path towards adulthood. I strive to support and guide individuals through the various transitional phases in adulthood while also equipping them with the skills required to feel confident in tackling life’s obstacles. 

Conditions Treated

  • Anxiety 

  • OCD 

  • Depression 

  • Life Transitions and Challenges

  • Problems in Academia 

  • Disordered Eating

  • Perfectionism

  • Body Image Concerns 

  • Self-Esteem Issues 

  • Relationship and Communication Struggles

  • Identity Issues

  • Family of Origin Issues